Bilyana Martinovski

Bilyana Martinovski

1. Academic Qualifications

(Förteckning över akademisk utbildning och anställningar)



Selected Academic Awards and Fellowships


2. Research Activity

(Förteckning över vetenskaplig verksamhet)

Research activities focusing on five partly overlapping areas:

Research Projects and Fellowships

Participation internally and externally funded research projects, some of which involve international collaboration:

3. Teaching Experience

(Pedagogisk verksamhet)

Undergraduate and graduate teaching in general linguistics at University of Gothenburg, Department of Linguistics, Center for South-Eastern Studies, and School of Economy, since 1993. Courses taught include the following:

General Linguistics and Informatics, Undergraduate Level

General Linguistics and Informatics, Graduate Level

Between 2001 and 2003 functioned as an instructor and supervisor of 5 graduate students within the MRE Natural Language Project, Corpus Collection and Coding.

Teaching experience also includes lecturing at other universities in Sweden and in Europe, such as Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg; IT University, Göteborg, Sweden; Verchelli University, Torino, Italy; Sofia University, Bulgaria.

Pedagogical Texts

Development of pedagogic texts for courses in general linguistics and computational linguistics cover the following areas:

Development of web-based courses on semantics, cognitive semantics, pragmatics, and intercultural communication (visit the page at the Wayback Machine).

4. Publications and Conference Presentations

(Förteckning över vetenskapliga arbeten)


Book Chapters

Encyclopedia Articles

Journals – Guest Editor

Journal Articles

Other Publications

Invited Talks / Papers

Conference Papers and Presentations

Papers presented at international conferences:

5. Academic Services

Program Director

Editing and Reviewing Work

Guest Editor

Program Committees

Invited Reviews

Editorial Boards

6. Course Pages

7. Literature and Journalism

8. Contact Details
